Thursday, August 5, 2010

Week 5! Ice Cream Surprise!

Today we made Summer Squash Ribbons (pappardelle) with a Creamy Tomato Sauce. It's a delicious, light and easy dish that's also a great way to disguise vegetables. Dessert however was sinful: Doughnut Peaches with Caramel and a small scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. Needless to say that the children gobbled up everything! As we served them dessert the comment was made: What part of this don't you like, the butter or the sugar! I know, I know, perhaps I took a dive in the wrong direction this week with my choice of dessert, but a scoop of ice cream every now and then is perfectly fine. First of all they are children (they will burn in off in no time), two it's summer, three it forms memories, and four life is short and moderation is key! Another reason I love the Let's Move! project. It is not about solely eating vegetables and fruits, it's about finding a healthy balance in terms of food and play. We did just that! After cooking class the children were heading to the pool! Now how perfect is that!

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